Monday, January 26, 2009

My Heart Put Me On The Right Track

My Heart Put Me On The Right Track

Just sitting and reflecting, like I always do.

While doing some heart searching I come to realize the reality of where I am right now. My main concern and focus is to just get more of God. To get closer to God. To seek His face. To seek His will for me.

Anything I accomplish is additional blessing. The core and nucleus of my very being is to seek God, His Kingdom, His will, His wisdom, His beauty, His joy.

I was thinking about how some things that mattered so much to me just a few months ago don’t even give me pause right now. I’m not even entertaining some things like I used to. I just want more of Jesus. And I feel so much peace, I feel so much love. I am centered. I am blessed.

My heart is not turned toward running and trying to obtain that house, that car, that man, that money. My heart’s desire is to be pleasing to God. Of course I’m grinding as always, I’m working, constantly thinking, looking for more outlets, writing down more ideas, researching more, but when I think about everything I know I see that God is the driving force, the strength, the core, the focus.

Matthew 6:33 says “…seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.”

It just amazes me that my heart put me on the right track.

Ms. Cat - 01/26/2009

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Inaugural 2009 - This Is a Stamp In History, For Our Future.

Trying to find the words to express this elation. (-:

I am optimistic. I am watching, listening, hearing, and feeling this event.
My nerves are on edge. My heart is overwhelmed.
I’m floating on cloud 9. I am filled with pride, joy and hope.
I know the potency of this moment in history, for the future.
I feel the importance of this moment for me, my children, my people, everyone.

Thinking of the prejudice I’ve endured, the ‘down the nose’ looks, the stereotypical interaction I’ve dealt with.
Thinking about the mistreatment I’ve weathered, simply because of my skin.
Thinking of what people have gone through, for our rights, for our equality.
Thinking of the powerful words of Dr. King and what he went through.
Thinking of Emmet Till, slavery, segregation, corporate america’s tilted scale.

Watching a man of integrity, gracefully take on the enormous weight to lead an entire country.
Watching how he is with his family, loving his beautiful wife, fathering his children.
Watching him serve as he leads the world.
Watching a nation’s flow and perception change.

Praying for protection for a man that has sparked hope in the eyes of many.
Praying for his wisdom.
Praying for hearts to be softened and minds to be changed.
Praying for God’s anointing to be on our President, Barack Obama.

Pure Inspiration. This is a stamp in history, for our future.

Yes we can be what we want to be. YES!

I often encourage my kids. I tell them that they can be whatever they put their minds to being. I tell them that there is no such thing as impossibility. I told my baby boy the other night that I think he is great like Barack Obama and he was so impressed and proud. He can relate to Barack. Now he can connect to the being able to be the President.

Oddly enough…no one’s been coming to my desk today. (-: