Tuesday, June 14, 2022

No Negativity Bonding

No negativity bonding or pity parties.  

Talk about change, progress, positivity and what you’re grateful for.  

Stop teaming up with other people while simultaneously feeding negativity.  

It’s all energy.  

Connect through goodness and forward movement.  Talk about helpful things and how to overcome trauma.  

How did you get over it?  Share tools.  Don’t feed that traumatic experience another second of your energy. Focus on the building not the rubble.  

-Cat Paige

Monday, February 28, 2022


This is just a quick post to get some thoughts out. 

Sometimes I feel like I am in a battle for my heart. It’s a weird way to put it but some days are just tougher than others. I live from my heart… Consciously, unapologetically. Every hug, every text, every call. I am MUSHY and I am okay with that. The struggle with living from the heart is trying to decide when to guard it and when to give it. Typically when something is on my heart to do I try not to hesitate. I realized years ago that while I can’t be on 100% pour out mode I also can’t close off. I had to learn wisdom with it. 

Sometimes I feel super weird like come on Cat… no one wants to hear / read this mushy sh!t but I normally do it anyway… with as much sincerity as I can. I hope it is received through the sincerity. 

Today I’m struggling with feeling too much. Maybe my brain booster vitamins are working. I see myself as being a big a$$ walking heart. Literally a heart with legs. My anchor to reality…. Even the heart has ribs for protection so guard a little. 

As I find my way through this crazy world of beautiful souls AND manipulators, altruists AND consumers I will continue to be a little more syrupy than necessary in the hopes that someone truly needs it. 

I know it’s a cold world out here and I’m striving to be some warmth. 

- Catherine Elizabeth