My babygirl turns 15 tomorrow. How could she be 15 already? My baby girl, my Princess, my flowerchild, my supermodel is 15. I feel like I just had her. I still remember when she was born she looked like a little doll, so petite with such beautiful skin.
She was the baby that was the survivor, the fighter. Just born and almost instantly suffered from Meconium Aspiration Syndrome she almost took her last breath before she was even 5 minutes old. This is what happens when before, during, or after labor and delivery a newborn inhales (or aspirates) a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid. She turned blue. My sister was in the delivery room with me. I had a C-Section so I couldn’t see anything past the blue curtain. Sissie’s a nurse so she knew what was going on but she hid her facial expression from me pretty well (She had on sunglasses in the operating room…LOL) Princess could not breathe and in addition to that she had a heart murmur which was caused by a valve in her heart not closing after birth, otherwise known as PDA. It didn’t close until she was about 3 years old. I stayed in the hospital 5 days but she stayed 10. I remember looking at her, she was so tiny in that little clear box with all those tubes coming in and out of her. Her hands and feet were so wrinkled and she looked so helpless. By the 4th day the nurse told me she was a trooper. The doctors took her off of the respirator and she was eating and gaining weight already. With Paige blood in her, she had no other choice but to push. (-:
My Princess…has always liked anything pink, she has always liked shoes, has always liked to giggle and has always been a girly girl, rough but girly. By 2 she was in trouble every 5 minutes but didn’t seem to care about staying away from the heat of the battle like my oldest 2 did. She would just take the L, if she had to. Princess kind of had her own world and her own language…lol Close family members knew Princess-Speak. My oldest two would often have to translate for her. Irritatingly saying "She said....." Like, duh. Can't you understand? LOL This girl was pure comedy mixed with lunacy and many days ended with me sitting and thinking about her, just shaking my head.
I am so proud of the young lady I have. I gave birth to a beautiful, hilarious, smart, adventurous, and unique individual. I'm grateful to God for the growth and maturity Princess has shown in the last year. She takes pride in her schoolwork now, she takes pride in her discipline. She desires to be more and better. She is such a beautiful girl with so much potential. She can be anything she decides to be. Through prayer and all the help from so many blood and non-blood related people in our family she’s finally getting it. She knows that she can be and do whatever she commits to doing. One thing I know it that she can be 45 years with her own children but she will always be her Mommy’s Princess.

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