Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Three Things...

Three Things…

I guess I am more of an extremist than I had previously thought.  It seems as if I am pushed to write when I am extremely happy or after an extreme low.  Today is unfortunately the latter, but in a positive way.  Yesterday I received some devastating news that had me thinking about going to get some hard liquor. I have not had a drink of alcohol since 1997 so you can imagine how tragic that could have gone.  I suffered such an emotional hit that it had me seriously contemplating doing some things simply to make my flesh feel better.  That’s a dangerous heart spot to be in.

I am very grateful that when I get in those low spots that they do not last long.  Now that I am re-motivated and have an emotional grip on myself, I can share.  I came up with three things that helped me work through this rough spot. 

The three reasons NOT to stay depressed were in the form of my perspectives…
Up, out, and in.

1st – UP        My Upward Heart-Gaze.  I don’t stay down long because of my faith in God.  I always draw back to that.  That is my center.  I am too chaotic and sinful to solely look to myself for strength.  I am NOT PERFECT but I believe that He is, so I draw from that when I am at my weakest. 

2nd – OUT     My Outward Cry.  I have some of the most amazing friends on earth.  I called one sisterfriend to whine about my bad news.  She let me cry a bit, she spoke life into the situation and she ended our conversation with heartfelt prayer. Then I shared the bad news with my select few, my Mansion Family.  The reactions were from just straight savage/ready to fight, encouraging my soul with the emotional flowers of reaffirming things about me that I needed to hear at that time, to just feeling the loss with me and telling me they are there for me.  I never felt alone.  I am blessed.

3rd – IN         My Inward Seeking.  I always talk about self-awareness but I never see how rich and important it really is until I need to tap in to it.  Self-awareness is PARAMOUNT to stability.  I went through these steps introspectively after I received the bad news:

·    I cried

·    I got depressed

·    I got angry

·  I focused on my flesh to try to appease the hurt (almost called someone I should not have to go with me to get that drink)

·   I called and cyber contacted my crew

·   I cried some more

·   I laid down on my bed… literally emotionally “wallowing” in the loss

·   I got up physically and emotionally

·  I read and re-read the sentiments of my friends, thought about my sisterfriend’s words

·   I made my heart still

·   I thought about my kids

·  I thought about my strengths, qualities, worth, strong history and the work I’ve done on my heart and inner-beauty

·   I snapped out of it

I am far too resilient to stay stuck at an impasse that I have endured before with God’s help.  I have been through things that would have made some people cave.  So staying depressed?  Girl, bye!

This queen is made of heart, steel, caramel and glitter.  Being depressed will not permit me to act as such so…. Get that CROWN UP!


Catherine Elizabeth


Unknown said...

Thank you for being so transparent and true to who you really are. I felt every word that you wrote and can truly attest to your thoughts and feelings. The bottom-line is that we are never to stay down and we are to always trust our Heavenly Father; especially when we have no idea what He is up to.

Audra said...

Thank U! Thank U! Thank U! Sis, you truly blessed me and I know so many others will be blessed as well! Thank you for letting God use you, thank you for your PUSH, thank you for your PRAISE, thank you for your PRAYERS, thank you for NOT GIVING UP, FOR STICKING IT OUT & FOR NOT GIVING INTO THE enemy!!! God Bless You Always Little Sis! God Has Everything Under His Control! He Knows Your Beginning & Your End!

Unknown said...

You are speaking to the hearts of soooo many women. Thank you for being open and honest and transparent and vulnerable. We (me and all the others who may not admit it) appreciate your sharing.